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Terms of Access

Access to this Site

This Site is owned and operated by SGS. SGS授予您有限的许可,允许您访问和个人使用本网站,不得下载(页面缓存除外), publications, technical documents or other information) or modify it, or any portion of it, except with the express written consent of SGS. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of the Site or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions or prices; any derivative use of the Site or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools. None of the Site or any portion thereof may be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, 未经SGS明确书面同意,访问或以其他方式用于任何商业目的. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout or form) of SGS without express written consent. 未经SGS明确书面同意,您不得使用任何使用SGS名称或商标的元标签或其他“隐藏文本”. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by SGS.

Community Forums

This Site may include bulletin boards, 讨论组和其他允许向SGS反馈和用户之间互动的公共区域(“论坛”). 一些论坛对公众开放,而另一些可能需要您注册才能访问. 但SGS不控制用户在论坛上发布的信息/材料(“留言”)。, 它保留删除的权利(它可以在不通知的情况下行使其自由裁量权), 移动或编辑留言,终止您对论坛的访问和使用,并放弃您对留言可能拥有的任何精神权利.

Employment Offers

This Site may contain information on employment opportunities within SGS. If You decide to apply for a vacancy we will assume that, by creating an application form or sending us your CV, You are signaling your agreement for SGS to use, 保留及销毁表格/简历内的任何个人资料,以便我们按照标准招聘程序及下文详述的目的考虑你的申请.

Please do not apply if You do not agree to SGS using, holding or destroying your data for any of the purposes that are outlined below:

我们可能希望在未来12个月内保留您的档案资料,并通知您任何合适的职位空缺. 如果您愿意,您将有机会申请这些空缺.

We may use Your personal information for purposes of market research, 特别是关于招聘和人力资源政策和实践的改进.

Depending on the nature of Your application, 您的个人信息有可能被转移到欧洲经济区(EEA)以外的地区。.

Online Ordering

This Site may provide you with the opportunity to order SGS services. The relevant order conditions and, if applicable, terms of purchase may be found on the relevant page herein. The services may be ordered and purchased via credit card. 所有此类信用卡付款均由摩根大通(“摩根大通”)处理,并受摩根大通全球彩票app的约束 SGS对JPMC处理任何此类付款不承担任何责任,在任何情况下均不承担任何直接责任, special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages.

SGS does not retain or otherwise store any of Your credit card payment information. 所有与访问您的帐户有关的个人身份信息将, however, 将存储在SGS全球彩票app器上,并将受本网站上SGS隐私政策的约束.

Refunds will be handled on a case by case basis and, if approved, refunds will be issued within thirty (30) days of the refund approval date. Please note that cash refunds are not available. 任何具体的退款问题应直接向您当地的SGS代表咨询.

Investor Relations

瑞讯提供给SGS的所有股票价格信息仅供参考, is not intended for trading purposes and is at least 30 minutes delayed. SGS does not guarantee the sequence, accuracy, or completeness of any stock price information or other data displayed, and is not liable or responsible in any way for any delays, inaccuracies, 或在任何股票价格信息或数据或在任何股票价格信息或数据的传输错误. 提供的股票价格信息或数据不能作为任何交易的依据, 商业或财务目的,SGS不承担任何责任或对任何损害负责, 因依赖本信息而产生的损失或费用,或因不履行本信息而产生的损失或费用, 因任何原因中断或终止股票价格信息或数据.


Your access to, and use of, this Site, the Privacy Policy and these Terms of Access (and any dispute, controversy, 由此而产生的任何性质的诉讼或索赔均受, 并按照瑞士法律解释,不包括有关法律冲突的任何规则. 与本协议有关的所有争议应提交日内瓦州法院的专属管辖权.


本网站上或通过本网站上提供的任何出版物中包含的信息是SGS的专有财产,或已授权给SGS,并受版权和其他专有权利的保护. Nothing contained in this site may be reproduced, distributed or edited in any manner without the prior written authorization of SGS.


 本网站包含由SGS societs2013.2013.2013.30注册的商标, a wholly owned subsidiary of SGS SA, to distinguish its services. No licence to use any of these trademarks is hereby granted or implied. No reproduction is permitted without specific written authorization.


Should You have arrived at this page by clicking on a link provided on, then the Terms and Conditions below and/or the General Conditions for System, 产品和全球彩票app认证应与用户协议一并阅读, which You accepted when registering for a customer account with SGSonSITE. Unless specifically otherwise stated, all services referred to on this Site are subject to the Terms and Conditions below.

就以下全球彩票app以及系统一般条件而言, Product and Service Certification, 提及的“公司”应被解释为与您作为客户签订具有约束力的合同的SGS关联公司.



本网站(以下简称“网站”)所包含和访问的信息由SGS提供,用于一般指导,旨在为您提供感兴趣的一般信息. SGS owns or licenses all text, data, images and other materials on the Site. SGS已尽一切努力确保本网站所包含的信息准确可靠. However, errors may sometimes occur. 因此,SGS明确拒绝就与本网页有关的任何事项作出任何形式的明示或暗示保证. 在任何情况下,SGS均不对因使用本全球彩票app而引起的或与之相关的任何间接或相应的损失或损害(无论是利润损失或其他)负责.

Page last modified on July 15, 2016.

  • SGS Headquarters

1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152,

1211, Geneva, Switzerland